The most cost-effective way to raise a property’s EPC rating

Whether you are a local authority or a housing association, AirEx improves the energy efficiency of your housing stock; helping you achieve your net-zero targets.

Airex is a cost-effective retrofit solution that can gain your home 2-4 SAP points, save residents’ heating bills and reduce the risk of damp and mould.

It’s simple to install, usually in an hour or two for your average home. Residents aren’t disrupted, as most of the work takes place outside.

Airex can qualify for funding through schemes such as HUG and SHDF for local authority and social housing providers looking to achieve net zero and decarbonisation targets.

healthy and warm homes

Traditional air bricks remain open all the time, so they provide ample ventilation, but they contribute to 15% of a home’s heat loss. Social housing residents often feel the effects of these draughts, and take action into their own hands by blocking them up. Removing the ventilation often leads to damp and mould, which is an ongoing challenge for landlords. Airex is a smart technology that balances the need for ventilation with the comfort of residents, resulting in healthier homes.

Our smart air bricks are a like-for-like replacement for traditional air bricks. Using sensors, they detect indoor and outdoor conditions, and control the vent to give just the right air flow to keep homes healthy, while reducing uncomfortable draughts and helping insulate the home.

Tackling fuel poverty

Airex saves residents around 12% on their energy bills and is one of the most cost-effective energy efficiency solutions on the market, with a payback of 2-3 years. It’s Ofgem and BRE approved, and you can read the research here.

Insights and alerts

As well as managing ventilation, our internet of things technology reports property environmental conditions from the smart air bricks. Our analytics can help you reduce maintenance costs by alerting you to properties with the risk of damp and mould or underheating.

  • Automated house

    Automatic Control

    The Airex system is automated, so you can fit and forget.

  • Fast installation house icon

    Fast Installation

    An Airex system can be installed in as little as one hour and does not require electrically qualified installers.

  • House icon signifying residents sleeping

    No Disruption

    The installation process is non-disruptive to your residents with no electricity cut offs or internet outages.

  • House with money payback icon

    Energy Payback

    The system pays back in as little as 2-3 years through reduced energy bills.

Property suitability

  • Pre 1920’s

    • Solid external walls

    • Suspended ground floor

    Pre 1950’s

    • Cavity external walls

    • Suspended ground floor

Benefits of AirEx


Increases the property’s SAP score by 2-3 points for an average property.

AirEx* attracts energy efficiency funding, such as ECO, LAD, HUG, SHDF.

The system monitors indoor and subfloor temperature and humidity, identifying damp and mould risk while actively controlling airflow to prevent these issues.

Helping you identify and understand which residents’ are at risk of being in Fuel Poverty by detecting chronically under-heated properties.

Helping you undertake preventative maintenance and preventing disrepair claims through valuable property insights.

Residents will benefit from improved thermal comfort, lower energy bills and healthy indoor environment.

The installation takes on average only 1 hour per home, not requiring any electrical works, and requires limited access inside a home.


“Airex proved to be a cost effective solution that can be installed with next to no disruption to residents and we were incredibly pleased about the trial results. 

We continue to support and encourage the development of innovative technologies to help the uptake of energy efficiency measures within the UK housing sector, especially those more susceptible to fuel poverty through having low income.” 

Andrew Waggott, Energy Services Team Manager, Portsmouth City Council