We believe in evidence-based solutions
The Airex smart air brick system has undergone a series of robust and independently validated tests and trials that evidence the impact it can have to reduce energy bills.
The largest of these trials was a 115 homes ECO trial (the UK’s first ECO Demonstration Action trial) under the Energy Company Obligation scheme). Over 6 million data points gathered were analysed and independently validated by a team of researchers and building energy specialists (led by Build Test Solutions) using their SmartHTC methodology to measure heat loss.
Whole house heat transfer coefficient (HTC) - Pre & Post Airex installation
Airex reduces whole house heat loss by
Airex reduces ground floor heat loss by
Distribution of ground floor heat loss - open airbricks
Distribution of ground floor heat loss - post Airex installation
Dr Sophie Pelsmakers, Salford Energy House Study 2018
Based on the trial results, it was concluded that Airex improves the energy efficiency of an average 3-bed, semi-detached, gas-heated UK home by 2-3 SAP (EPC) points. As such, Airex delivers a cost of £150 - £225 per SAP point gained.
These results place Airex as one of the most cost-effective energy efficiency solutions on the market, with a modest payback of as little as 2-3 years.
Independently validated by building energy specialists.
Our research partners: